Where Do Oklahoma Pigeons Live, In the Wild or Urban Areas? Which Do They Prefer?

Pigeons have successfully adapted on a range of setting that enables them to survive even in the harsh Norman environment. Most of the pigeons that you will encounter in the urban areas of the US will be the feral types or rock doves. These are the descendants of the first birds that have been brought in the US by the Europeans during the 1600s. These are sometimes referred as the rock pigeons that live in the different parts of the world.

The Pigeons in the Urban Areas

The pigeons have learned that living close to the human will allow them to forage their food easily. The human structures such as the Oklahoma bridge ledges and the buildings provide them an excellent place to establish their nest. The feral pigeons in the city will scavenge their foods such as the pet food that the owners left outside and the leftovers in the trashcan. They will be there whenever there is a little food that is dropped by the human. There are also city dwellers who love to feed them.

Suburban and Rural Areas

Pigeons did not only invade the city but they can also survive in the rural and the suburban areas. When the pigeons choose to live in the wild will use the caves and the cliffs when building their nest. This is a way for them to avoid the attack of their predators and stay safe from harsh weather elements. They will eat several foods that can be found in the wild such as garden waste and grains. Some farmers considered them as nuisance creatures since they normally attack the grain storage.

Rocky Cliff

The Oklahoma wild pigeon will usually be spotted close to the rocky cliffs. They will establish their nest close to the cliff that will make it difficult for the predators to attack them. Some of them will also invade the caves and dwell on it only if the caves are available. While they will normally eat grains and seeds, they will also munch on tiny lizards, snails, slugs, insects, and fruits. The male and female pigeons will both play a role in incubating the eggs. After building a nest, it would be rare for them to return next year to the same nest. 

Other Possible Habitat of the Pigeon

With their ability to adapt in a range of situation, pigeons can live in different parts of the world. You will find them in the temperate forest and in the rain forest. There are signs of their activities in the arboreal forest and swamp forest. They can even survive in the deserts where there is a limited availability of foods. They will have an adequate water supply by eating plants that have rich water content. You can find them in almost any type of environment you can think of. Perhaps the only place they can’t conquer wound be the Arctic and the Antarctic region.

Pigeons can live in any areas that have an adequate source of food. They are social Norman creatures and they may gather in hundreds and sometimes even in thousands.

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